The Real and Mystical Reason Why I Didn't Matrix Shaolin Kung Fu!

By Al Case

Matrixing, to give you the definition right from the start, is the analysis and handling of force and flow. Every object, every particle in this universe has a direction, and everything in the universe has lots of potentials for collision. Thus, the study of Matrixing becomes the single most important thing one can learn if one is going to understand things like Shaolin kung fu.

Now, to set this article up in the proper manner, let me say that the martial arts are taught through the memorizing of random strings of data. This is like somebody memorizing a dozen pieces on the piano, and thinking he is the next Mozart. Obviously, one has to break through the memorizing process and start finding the structure of his art, and how to arrange that art before he can lay claim to being a master artist.

So, let's slide into the subject of Shaolin. Shaolin has a few thousand years of history, and every master and his sister has added to the mix, and thus the logic of the art has become mixed and impenetrable. There is a vast variety of these strings of random data, you see, and there is no set of principles with which to define it.

If one studies Shaolin kung fu like Choy Li Fut or Hung Gar, one thinks that the art is filled with deep horse stances, windmilling arms, and a mangling of concepts which pop out at you at the oddest times. One thinks that one must beat up students right up to the head abbot if he is going to find the sacred scroll, and one must meditate and beat his fists into heated iron pellets for a dozen years to get the real kung fu. The sad fact is that this is a small subset of concepts, and it does not penetrate the True Art in any meaningful fashion.

If one studies Wing Chun, one thinks that he has to stand squarely, close the eyes, and absorb attacks with antennas called forearms. Three sequences of mystical data, a daunting wooden dummy to beat your arms, and never the idea that everything is just random strings of data, and not the True Art. Thus, Wing Chun is phenomenal, amazing, gives true ability, yet it just touches lightly upon the True Art.

Then, of course, there the subset of art called the Praying Mantis, speaking of antenna arms that manipulate an opponent to his doom and disgrace. If you really consider the structure of these arts, however, it is almost like Hung Gar or Choy Li Fut and Wing Chun have been choped out of the same pie. Thus, the principles waggle and interbreed into new bastards, and the True Art is obscured in a dense fog of fascinating ability and amazing art.

This all said, Matrixing could easily organize Shaolin, in the various forms of Hung Gar or Choy Li Fut or Wing Chun and come to the truth of the true art. But I chose Karate to present the principle of Matrixing, and to expose the world to the concept of logic through analysis and handling. Simply, the history was shorter, the mountain was smaller, the obscuring fog more transparent, and karate was easier to define.

There is a true blessing in my selectio of karate as a matrixng vehicle, however, for if youmatrix karate, you can use that matrixing as a template for Shaolin. All you have to do is plug the pieces of Shaolin into Matrix Karate, and, voila, you have instant true art. Doesn't matter how much fog, who cares how tall the mountain is, it can all be resolved into an easy to learn slices of True Art, and thus open the door to the whole of The True Art. - 30300

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