STEVE BRUNO VS. MATTHEW RIDDLE: Round 1 - After a touch of gloves, we're underway. Both fighters miss on leg kicks before Bruno connects on one to set up a nice right. Riddle clinches and delivers knees to the body before eating a forearm to the face. Bruno again works for kicks with little luck before lunging and connecting with a right that earns a smile from Riddle. Riddle again clinches and delivers some knees to the body and thighs. The fighters separate, and Bruno connects on some low kicks. The last one sets up a stiff right that connects flush. Riddle avoids a takedown attempt, and the fighters return to the center of the cage. Riddle works a combination before landing a solid kick to the inner leg. After a wild exchange, Riddle pushes Bruno into the cage and dips for a takedown attempt. Bruno balances on one leg before Riddle forces the fight to the ground with a sweep. Working from half guard, Riddle delivers elbows to the face and side of Bruno's head and starts doing some damage. Bruno tries to turtle up into Riddle's body and then gets to his feet, but Riddle punishes him a knee to the body. Bruno closes the distance and is thrown to the mat, and he eats a knee on his way back to his feet. Bruno lands an exchange and forces a double-leg takedown just as the round ends.
RICH CLEMENTI VS. GLEISON TIBAU: Round 1 - Tibau gets the early takedown and instantly takes Clementi's back. Clementi gets to his feet and backs out so Tibau loses the positioning. Tibau puts Clementi against the cage as the fighters trade knees to the body. The fighters clinch and hit the mat, but they both scramble to their feet. Clementi goes high with a head kick that misses wide, and Tibau delivers a couple knees to the body and forces Clementi to his back. Tibau instantly frees a leg and works from half guard before trying to take mount. Clementi uses a butterfly guard to defend, but a persistent Tibau eventually takes the dominant position. Clementi tries to buck free and briefly gives up his back, but he rolls back over and secures one of Tibau's legs. Tibau continues working for better ground position and forces a lull in the action. The crowd becomes restless before Tibau works for the mount. Clementi, though, wraps him in full gaurd and avoids his opponent's punches from above. After a scramble, though, Tibau gets sidemount, but Clementi gets back to his feet. Tibau clings on from behind and looks to take the fight back down, but Clementi fends it off and dips for single-leg takedown. Tibau slaps on a guillotine choke as he falls to the mat, and it's deep. Clementi initially refuses to tap, but with no way to escape, he finally relents. Gleison Tibau def. Rich Clementi via submission (guillotine choke) -- Round 1, 4:35.
MATT GRICE VS. MATT VEACH: Round 1 - Veach with an early leg kick that connects, and once he tries to clinch, Grice hits him with a couple uppercuts. After a scramble, Veach gets the takedown and works from inside full guard. Veach delivers a steady stream of blows, but Grice works his way to feet while crawling up the cage with his back. Veach throws Grice to the mat and nearly locks in a choke, but Grice again gets back to his feet. The fighters clinch, and Grice connects on an uppercut and a subsequent blow that sends Veach staggering to the mat. Grice pours on the blows as Veach desperately tries to defend. The crowd stands and senses the finish, but Veach miracously holds on and ties up Grice. However, Grice soon secures mount. Veach reclaims guard, but Grice secures a guillotine when he tries to get back to his feet. Veach escapes, and we're back standing. Grice throws a glancing right that staggers Veach. But Veach throws a right that connects. The two fighters then stands toe and toe and swing wildly, each connecting with major power shots. Grice's legs buckle after abosrbing a huge right uppercut, and he falls to the mat. Veach follows with a series of punches to earn the come-from-behind TKO victory. Grice is upset about the stoppage and refuses to shake Veach's hand. While waiting for the decision, he continues to protest to the referee. Matt Veach def. Matt Grice via TKO (strikes) -- Round 1, 4:34.
MAC DANZIG VS. JOSH NEER:Round 1 - Neer goes itno stalker mode and knocks Danzig off balance with an early blow. Neer follows with a stead stream of shots and then clinches and lands a knee to the body. Danzig regain his composure and fires back, and the fighters had to the center of the cage. The fighters trade leg kicks, and Neer's briefly knocks Danzig off balance. Danzig starts to let his hands fly and stuns Neer with a combination from the clinch. Both fighters have already taken some serious punishment. Neer pins Danzig against the fence and tries to time elbows strikes, but Neer misses each time. After another exchange of blows, Neer has a trickle of blood coming from his corner of the eye. Neer again pins Danzig against the cage and delivers elbows. Danzig breaks away and lands a solid leg kick. Neer tries a flying knee but is floored with a punch from Danzig (he was knocked more off balance than knocked down with the blow). During a scramble on the ground, Danzig is in full guard but nearly caught in a triangle. He escapes, and Neer blasts him with a combination. Danzig swings back, but Neer turns up the heat as the round comes to a close.
DENIS STOJNIC VS. CAIN VELASQUEZ: Round 2 - Round 2 - Stojnic swings wildly before Velasquez tags him two brutal leg kicks. Stojnic still looks for the fences, but Velasquez counters with knees and punches to the body. As Velasquez charges for the takedown, Stojnic grabs a guillotine, drawing gasps from the crowd, but Velasquez quickly escapes and works from sidemount with punches and elbows to the head. Stojnic rolls over, and Velasquez continues the assault. A couples shots to the back of the head. Stojnic is warned about grabbing the fence. He then turtles up to avoid the damage, but Velasquez continues raining down dozens of punches. The referee finally waves it off. Stojnic -- and the crowd -- are upset, thinking the referee was just going to restart the fighters standing. Stojnic, though, was clearly done and outmatched. Cain Velasquez def. Denis Stojnic via TKO (strikes) -- Round 2, 2:34.
As you can no doubt see, UFC Fight Night 17 was action packed with some of the biggest upcoming stars in the UFC. Some saw victory by submission and some chose to overwhelm their opponents with big shots. But they all have one thing in common: a bright future in the Ultimate Fighting Championship. - 30300
RICH CLEMENTI VS. GLEISON TIBAU: Round 1 - Tibau gets the early takedown and instantly takes Clementi's back. Clementi gets to his feet and backs out so Tibau loses the positioning. Tibau puts Clementi against the cage as the fighters trade knees to the body. The fighters clinch and hit the mat, but they both scramble to their feet. Clementi goes high with a head kick that misses wide, and Tibau delivers a couple knees to the body and forces Clementi to his back. Tibau instantly frees a leg and works from half guard before trying to take mount. Clementi uses a butterfly guard to defend, but a persistent Tibau eventually takes the dominant position. Clementi tries to buck free and briefly gives up his back, but he rolls back over and secures one of Tibau's legs. Tibau continues working for better ground position and forces a lull in the action. The crowd becomes restless before Tibau works for the mount. Clementi, though, wraps him in full gaurd and avoids his opponent's punches from above. After a scramble, though, Tibau gets sidemount, but Clementi gets back to his feet. Tibau clings on from behind and looks to take the fight back down, but Clementi fends it off and dips for single-leg takedown. Tibau slaps on a guillotine choke as he falls to the mat, and it's deep. Clementi initially refuses to tap, but with no way to escape, he finally relents. Gleison Tibau def. Rich Clementi via submission (guillotine choke) -- Round 1, 4:35.
MATT GRICE VS. MATT VEACH: Round 1 - Veach with an early leg kick that connects, and once he tries to clinch, Grice hits him with a couple uppercuts. After a scramble, Veach gets the takedown and works from inside full guard. Veach delivers a steady stream of blows, but Grice works his way to feet while crawling up the cage with his back. Veach throws Grice to the mat and nearly locks in a choke, but Grice again gets back to his feet. The fighters clinch, and Grice connects on an uppercut and a subsequent blow that sends Veach staggering to the mat. Grice pours on the blows as Veach desperately tries to defend. The crowd stands and senses the finish, but Veach miracously holds on and ties up Grice. However, Grice soon secures mount. Veach reclaims guard, but Grice secures a guillotine when he tries to get back to his feet. Veach escapes, and we're back standing. Grice throws a glancing right that staggers Veach. But Veach throws a right that connects. The two fighters then stands toe and toe and swing wildly, each connecting with major power shots. Grice's legs buckle after abosrbing a huge right uppercut, and he falls to the mat. Veach follows with a series of punches to earn the come-from-behind TKO victory. Grice is upset about the stoppage and refuses to shake Veach's hand. While waiting for the decision, he continues to protest to the referee. Matt Veach def. Matt Grice via TKO (strikes) -- Round 1, 4:34.
MAC DANZIG VS. JOSH NEER:Round 1 - Neer goes itno stalker mode and knocks Danzig off balance with an early blow. Neer follows with a stead stream of shots and then clinches and lands a knee to the body. Danzig regain his composure and fires back, and the fighters had to the center of the cage. The fighters trade leg kicks, and Neer's briefly knocks Danzig off balance. Danzig starts to let his hands fly and stuns Neer with a combination from the clinch. Both fighters have already taken some serious punishment. Neer pins Danzig against the fence and tries to time elbows strikes, but Neer misses each time. After another exchange of blows, Neer has a trickle of blood coming from his corner of the eye. Neer again pins Danzig against the cage and delivers elbows. Danzig breaks away and lands a solid leg kick. Neer tries a flying knee but is floored with a punch from Danzig (he was knocked more off balance than knocked down with the blow). During a scramble on the ground, Danzig is in full guard but nearly caught in a triangle. He escapes, and Neer blasts him with a combination. Danzig swings back, but Neer turns up the heat as the round comes to a close.
DENIS STOJNIC VS. CAIN VELASQUEZ: Round 2 - Round 2 - Stojnic swings wildly before Velasquez tags him two brutal leg kicks. Stojnic still looks for the fences, but Velasquez counters with knees and punches to the body. As Velasquez charges for the takedown, Stojnic grabs a guillotine, drawing gasps from the crowd, but Velasquez quickly escapes and works from sidemount with punches and elbows to the head. Stojnic rolls over, and Velasquez continues the assault. A couples shots to the back of the head. Stojnic is warned about grabbing the fence. He then turtles up to avoid the damage, but Velasquez continues raining down dozens of punches. The referee finally waves it off. Stojnic -- and the crowd -- are upset, thinking the referee was just going to restart the fighters standing. Stojnic, though, was clearly done and outmatched. Cain Velasquez def. Denis Stojnic via TKO (strikes) -- Round 2, 2:34.
As you can no doubt see, UFC Fight Night 17 was action packed with some of the biggest upcoming stars in the UFC. Some saw victory by submission and some chose to overwhelm their opponents with big shots. But they all have one thing in common: a bright future in the Ultimate Fighting Championship. - 30300
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Diego Penn invites you to watch UFC 107 BJ Penn VS Diego Sanchez. For laughs, you can Watch Royal Pains Online.