JAKE O'BRIEN VS. CHRISTIAN WELLISCH: Round 2 - After trading more punches to open the round, Wellisch lands a body kick and follows with a leg kick. O'Brien avoids subsequent blows and counters Wellisch with three consecutive jabs. Wellisch lands a nice leg kick. O'Brien works jabs as Wellisch swings and misses wildly. O'Brien lands a nice left- overhand right combination, but Wellisch shakes it off and attempts a takedown. O'Brien, though, dips for the double-leg takedown and slams his opponent to the mat. Wellisch rolls free and quickly gets to his feet and lands a left-right combo. O'Brien counters with an uppercut, but Wellisch continues to push forward. O'Brien counters a low kick-jab combo with an easy takedown and again slams Wellisch to the mat. Wellisch, though, again gets to his feet quickly and land a nice combo of low kicks and punches just as the round ends.
JOHN HOWARD VS. CHRIS WILSON: Round 2 - The fighters fire leg kicks at the same time, but Howard's lands thunderously and knocks Wilson off balance. Howard follows with some big punches, ties up his opponent, and sends Wilson to the mat. Wilson quickly escapes, and the fighters again trade in the center of the cage. Wilson lands a nice body shot, but Howard closes the distances, scoops up Wilson and slams him to the mat. Howard gets one leg free and works for side control, but Wilson gets to his feet, the fighters stay clinches, and Wilson scores a trip takedown. Howard quickly escapes, and we're back standing. After a clinch, Howard lands a right- left combination and then shots to the body. Wilson clinches and looks for knees to the body, but Howard keeps his stances and they seperate. Howard just misses two looping shots, and Wilson uses the opportunity to throws him to the mat. Working from inside guard, Wilson throws elbows to the body and left punches to the head. The pace slows, and the ref issues a warning to pick up the pace. Wilson looks for a leg but gives up his position just as the round ends.
MANNY GAMBURYAN VS. THIAGO TAVARES: Round 2 - Gamburyan lunges forward with a left and then connects with a left and a leg kick. Tavares shakes it off and remains in his offensive stance. Gamburyan backs him up with some wild overhand rights, but Tavares then shoots for the takedown. Gamburyan has his back to the fence and tries to shake it off, and then he reverses the position and take the top position. Working from guard, Gamburyan can initially do little as Tavares ties him up.Gamnburyan gets through a few punches before he grabs a look and looks for a submission. He quickly gives it up and returns to Tavares' guard. After a few shoulder presses, Gamburyan delivers two big right elbows just as referee Josh Rosenthal steps in to restart them standing. Gamburyan strikes first with a low kick, but he's countered with a combination from Tavares. Tavares just misses with a right cross and he dips to take Gamburyan to the mat. The Armenian puts his back against the fence and tries to defend against the takedown. He's able to wait out the round in the position.
JON FITCH VS. AKIHIRO GONO: Round 1 - Gono and his corner "men" enter the cage in drag, complete with silver dresses, jewelry, sunglasses, wigs, sequined gloves and high heels. The two drag- tastic back-up dancers are in the same get-up. The cageside dance routine delights the crowd. Fitch's Johnny Cash ballad doesn't have the same effect. We're underway, and Fitch fires a combination and immediately looks for the takedown. Gono, pinned against the fence, refuses to go down, and he tries to sprawl free. Fitch briefly takes his back before pinning Gono back against the fence while trying to improve his position. Gono escapes and eats a knee in the process, but no harm appears done. Fitch fires a head kick and knees before Gono closes the distance and pushes him into the fence. Fitch does some damage from the Muay Thai clinch before Gono breaks free. Fitch eats a right hand as he shoots in, and after jockeying for position, finally wrestles Gono to the mat. Fitch then takes his opponent's back and struggles to secure the body triangle. Fitch then attempts the rear-naked choke, but Gono defends well. Fitch peppers him with punches from behind and finally secures his hooks. Gono covers up, but Fitch gets through a series of punches. Gono gets to his feet, but he can't shake Fitch from his back before the round ends.
JON FITCH VS. AKIHIRO GONO: Round 3 - The camera catch Olympian Satoshi Ishii before the round begins. Fitch strikes early with kicks, clinches and then forces a visibly exhausted Gono the mat. Fitch works to side control and delivers brutal blows from above. When Fitch stands, Gono kicks his way free and gets back to his feet. Fitch works front kicks before Gono attempts a flying knee to the body. Fitch clinches and puts him against the mat. Gono tries to escape by rolling free, but Fitch collapses on top of him and takes his back. Gono rolls free and takes top position while Fitch uses butterfly guard. Gono tries to deliver an elbow, but Fitch doesn't allow it. The pace slows with a minute to go before Gono delivers an elbow. Fitch gets to his feet and just ducks under a head kick from Gono. With time running out, Gono tries everything from a Superman punch to a head kick, but nothing connects, and Fitch takes him to the mat to let time expire. Jon Fitch def. Akihiro Gono via unanimous decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-26).
DONG HYUN KIM VS. KARO PARISYAN: Round 1 - Parisyan strikes fiirst, but Kim takes him to the mat and puts him on his back. As Parisyan looks to roll for better position, Kim pops him with a straight punch to the face. Kim then takes his opponent's back as Parisyan gets back to his feet and locks in a body triangle. Kim throws some short punches from behind while looking to sink in a rear-naked choke. Parisyan, standing with his opponent clinging to his back, goes to the mat, but Kim keeps the dominant position. After absorbing a series of hammerfists, Parisyan again returns to his feet, but Kim remains on his back. Parisyan tries to slam his way free by slamming into the mat. He breaks free but is corralled with an armbar. Parisyan escapes but is locked in a triangle choke. He again escapes trouble and works from inside Kim's guard. Parisyan throws some punches to the body, but Kim gets back to his feet and again takes his opponent's back. He struggles to get in his hooks, though, and Parisyan gets back to his feet and clinches face to face with Kim. Parisyan tries a trip takedown with no luck, and the fighters trade a couple short punches before the round ends.
DONG HYUN KIM VS. KARO PARISYAN: Round 3 - After a quick clinch, Parisyan puts Kim against the cage, but it's Kim who gets the trip takedown. Parisyan works from below, and after failing with the triangle choke, kicks Kim in the face, forcing the referee to halt the action and issue a warning. Parisyan immediately charges forward, but Kim overpowers him and puts him on his back. Parisyan quickly gets to his feet, and the fighters again clinch against the cage while jockeying for position and hand control. Parisyan tries a flying knee that does little and immediately closes the distances and pulls Kim's legs out from under him. It doesn't last long. and Kim gets back to his feet. Parisyan avoids a takedown attempt but grabbing the fence, which the referee doesnt see. The crowd boos the stalemate. A minute later, there's still little action against the cage. Parisyan scores a brief takedown, but Kim gets to his feet easily. The final minute of the fight is much of the same, and little connects as the fighters focus on getting position. The round ends with a chorus of boos. Karo Parisyan def. Dong Hyun Kim via split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28).
B.J. PENN VS. GEORGES ST. PIERRE: Round 1 - No touch of the gloves. After an early clinch, St. Pierre pins Penn against the cage and works knees to the body. Penn gets off the fence and delivers his own. Still clinched, St. Pierre dips for a leg, and then two, but Penn masterfully avoids the takedown. Penn grabs a Muay Thai clinch as St. Pierre again goes lowfor a takedown attempt. Penn balances out of it and hobbles around on one leg as every kind of chant eachoes through the arena. St. Pierre breaks the hold with an overhand punch that partially connected. He then backs up penn with a combination and partially connects on a right. Back to the center of the cage. St. Pierre again looks for the single-leg takedown, but Penn again balances perfectly to avoid it. Pinned against the fence, Penn eats a short uppercut but lands a left on the seperation. Back to the center of the cage before St. Pierre lands a left and then a right. Penn shakes it off. The fighters again clinch, and St. Pierre pushes Penn into the fence. Penn misses a big right hand and then absorbs a low leg kick from St. Pierre. The round's final clinch allows St. Pierre to sneak in a short uppercut.
B.J. PENN VS. GEORGES ST. PIERRE: Round 2 - St. Pierre works the left jab and catches Penn with it when he rushed in. Penn retreats to regroup and eats another punch when he again pushes forward. St. Pierre shoves Penn into the cage and is met with an elbow, and when St. Pierre dips, Penn batters him with some quick rabbit punches. St. Pierre, though, finally gets the takdown and works from inside Penn's guard. Penn goes high with his legs but eats an elbow to the kisser and some shots to the body. Penn shows no ill effects from it but is blasted with a right when St. Pierre stands over him and rains down a punch. St. Pierre takes side control and delivers a steady dose of punches, and the crowd goes crazy. St. Pierre maintains the dominant position and connects with punches to both sides of Penn's head. St. Pierre tries to secure the crucifix position, but Penn escapes. Back to full guard, St. Pierre delivers elbows to the head and body. Penn tries to again high with his guard, but St. Pierre stands out of it and rains down two big punches and reclaims side control. Penn wraps him back up in full guard but eats two quick forearm strikes to the mouth. A third one is followed by a right hand, but Penn's face is starting to show some damage. St. Pierre closes out the round with more ground and pound to take a two-rounds-to-none lead. - 30300
JOHN HOWARD VS. CHRIS WILSON: Round 2 - The fighters fire leg kicks at the same time, but Howard's lands thunderously and knocks Wilson off balance. Howard follows with some big punches, ties up his opponent, and sends Wilson to the mat. Wilson quickly escapes, and the fighters again trade in the center of the cage. Wilson lands a nice body shot, but Howard closes the distances, scoops up Wilson and slams him to the mat. Howard gets one leg free and works for side control, but Wilson gets to his feet, the fighters stay clinches, and Wilson scores a trip takedown. Howard quickly escapes, and we're back standing. After a clinch, Howard lands a right- left combination and then shots to the body. Wilson clinches and looks for knees to the body, but Howard keeps his stances and they seperate. Howard just misses two looping shots, and Wilson uses the opportunity to throws him to the mat. Working from inside guard, Wilson throws elbows to the body and left punches to the head. The pace slows, and the ref issues a warning to pick up the pace. Wilson looks for a leg but gives up his position just as the round ends.
MANNY GAMBURYAN VS. THIAGO TAVARES: Round 2 - Gamburyan lunges forward with a left and then connects with a left and a leg kick. Tavares shakes it off and remains in his offensive stance. Gamburyan backs him up with some wild overhand rights, but Tavares then shoots for the takedown. Gamburyan has his back to the fence and tries to shake it off, and then he reverses the position and take the top position. Working from guard, Gamburyan can initially do little as Tavares ties him up.Gamnburyan gets through a few punches before he grabs a look and looks for a submission. He quickly gives it up and returns to Tavares' guard. After a few shoulder presses, Gamburyan delivers two big right elbows just as referee Josh Rosenthal steps in to restart them standing. Gamburyan strikes first with a low kick, but he's countered with a combination from Tavares. Tavares just misses with a right cross and he dips to take Gamburyan to the mat. The Armenian puts his back against the fence and tries to defend against the takedown. He's able to wait out the round in the position.
JON FITCH VS. AKIHIRO GONO: Round 1 - Gono and his corner "men" enter the cage in drag, complete with silver dresses, jewelry, sunglasses, wigs, sequined gloves and high heels. The two drag- tastic back-up dancers are in the same get-up. The cageside dance routine delights the crowd. Fitch's Johnny Cash ballad doesn't have the same effect. We're underway, and Fitch fires a combination and immediately looks for the takedown. Gono, pinned against the fence, refuses to go down, and he tries to sprawl free. Fitch briefly takes his back before pinning Gono back against the fence while trying to improve his position. Gono escapes and eats a knee in the process, but no harm appears done. Fitch fires a head kick and knees before Gono closes the distance and pushes him into the fence. Fitch does some damage from the Muay Thai clinch before Gono breaks free. Fitch eats a right hand as he shoots in, and after jockeying for position, finally wrestles Gono to the mat. Fitch then takes his opponent's back and struggles to secure the body triangle. Fitch then attempts the rear-naked choke, but Gono defends well. Fitch peppers him with punches from behind and finally secures his hooks. Gono covers up, but Fitch gets through a series of punches. Gono gets to his feet, but he can't shake Fitch from his back before the round ends.
JON FITCH VS. AKIHIRO GONO: Round 3 - The camera catch Olympian Satoshi Ishii before the round begins. Fitch strikes early with kicks, clinches and then forces a visibly exhausted Gono the mat. Fitch works to side control and delivers brutal blows from above. When Fitch stands, Gono kicks his way free and gets back to his feet. Fitch works front kicks before Gono attempts a flying knee to the body. Fitch clinches and puts him against the mat. Gono tries to escape by rolling free, but Fitch collapses on top of him and takes his back. Gono rolls free and takes top position while Fitch uses butterfly guard. Gono tries to deliver an elbow, but Fitch doesn't allow it. The pace slows with a minute to go before Gono delivers an elbow. Fitch gets to his feet and just ducks under a head kick from Gono. With time running out, Gono tries everything from a Superman punch to a head kick, but nothing connects, and Fitch takes him to the mat to let time expire. Jon Fitch def. Akihiro Gono via unanimous decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-26).
DONG HYUN KIM VS. KARO PARISYAN: Round 1 - Parisyan strikes fiirst, but Kim takes him to the mat and puts him on his back. As Parisyan looks to roll for better position, Kim pops him with a straight punch to the face. Kim then takes his opponent's back as Parisyan gets back to his feet and locks in a body triangle. Kim throws some short punches from behind while looking to sink in a rear-naked choke. Parisyan, standing with his opponent clinging to his back, goes to the mat, but Kim keeps the dominant position. After absorbing a series of hammerfists, Parisyan again returns to his feet, but Kim remains on his back. Parisyan tries to slam his way free by slamming into the mat. He breaks free but is corralled with an armbar. Parisyan escapes but is locked in a triangle choke. He again escapes trouble and works from inside Kim's guard. Parisyan throws some punches to the body, but Kim gets back to his feet and again takes his opponent's back. He struggles to get in his hooks, though, and Parisyan gets back to his feet and clinches face to face with Kim. Parisyan tries a trip takedown with no luck, and the fighters trade a couple short punches before the round ends.
DONG HYUN KIM VS. KARO PARISYAN: Round 3 - After a quick clinch, Parisyan puts Kim against the cage, but it's Kim who gets the trip takedown. Parisyan works from below, and after failing with the triangle choke, kicks Kim in the face, forcing the referee to halt the action and issue a warning. Parisyan immediately charges forward, but Kim overpowers him and puts him on his back. Parisyan quickly gets to his feet, and the fighters again clinch against the cage while jockeying for position and hand control. Parisyan tries a flying knee that does little and immediately closes the distances and pulls Kim's legs out from under him. It doesn't last long. and Kim gets back to his feet. Parisyan avoids a takedown attempt but grabbing the fence, which the referee doesnt see. The crowd boos the stalemate. A minute later, there's still little action against the cage. Parisyan scores a brief takedown, but Kim gets to his feet easily. The final minute of the fight is much of the same, and little connects as the fighters focus on getting position. The round ends with a chorus of boos. Karo Parisyan def. Dong Hyun Kim via split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28).
B.J. PENN VS. GEORGES ST. PIERRE: Round 1 - No touch of the gloves. After an early clinch, St. Pierre pins Penn against the cage and works knees to the body. Penn gets off the fence and delivers his own. Still clinched, St. Pierre dips for a leg, and then two, but Penn masterfully avoids the takedown. Penn grabs a Muay Thai clinch as St. Pierre again goes lowfor a takedown attempt. Penn balances out of it and hobbles around on one leg as every kind of chant eachoes through the arena. St. Pierre breaks the hold with an overhand punch that partially connected. He then backs up penn with a combination and partially connects on a right. Back to the center of the cage. St. Pierre again looks for the single-leg takedown, but Penn again balances perfectly to avoid it. Pinned against the fence, Penn eats a short uppercut but lands a left on the seperation. Back to the center of the cage before St. Pierre lands a left and then a right. Penn shakes it off. The fighters again clinch, and St. Pierre pushes Penn into the fence. Penn misses a big right hand and then absorbs a low leg kick from St. Pierre. The round's final clinch allows St. Pierre to sneak in a short uppercut.
B.J. PENN VS. GEORGES ST. PIERRE: Round 2 - St. Pierre works the left jab and catches Penn with it when he rushed in. Penn retreats to regroup and eats another punch when he again pushes forward. St. Pierre shoves Penn into the cage and is met with an elbow, and when St. Pierre dips, Penn batters him with some quick rabbit punches. St. Pierre, though, finally gets the takdown and works from inside Penn's guard. Penn goes high with his legs but eats an elbow to the kisser and some shots to the body. Penn shows no ill effects from it but is blasted with a right when St. Pierre stands over him and rains down a punch. St. Pierre takes side control and delivers a steady dose of punches, and the crowd goes crazy. St. Pierre maintains the dominant position and connects with punches to both sides of Penn's head. St. Pierre tries to secure the crucifix position, but Penn escapes. Back to full guard, St. Pierre delivers elbows to the head and body. Penn tries to again high with his guard, but St. Pierre stands out of it and rains down two big punches and reclaims side control. Penn wraps him back up in full guard but eats two quick forearm strikes to the mouth. A third one is followed by a right hand, but Penn's face is starting to show some damage. St. Pierre closes out the round with more ground and pound to take a two-rounds-to-none lead. - 30300
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