Gichin Funakoshi and the True History of Okinawan Karate!

By Al Case

It is commonly held that Gichin Funakoshi is the father of modern Karate. Well, he could be considered such, except that something odd happened a century ago, that puts forth a slightly different idea. We've got to give him credit for sharing karate, but was his karate the true art?

I know what I write here is not going to be what a lot of people want to hear, there will be a few people who are going to want to take me to task. However, the story that I am about to relay really happened, it is the truth. That said, please know that I do respect Gichin Funakoshi, he is pivotal to Karate.

In turn of the century, last century, Japan, people, same as people all over, loved the human cockfight. It wasn't uncommon for people to gather to watch gladiatorial contests between different arts and artists. Certain of these gladiators even offered open challenges to the audience, step up if you think you can beat me.

One night a Russian strongman issued a challenge to the Japanese audience. One can imagine the sneering challenge, and the surprise when a frumpy, old Okinawan stepped up to the ring and prepared to fight. The year was'21, and the turning point for karate was about to occur.

Motobu Chōki was 52 years old when he climbed through the ropes that night. He had studied with virtually every Karate master on the island of Okinawa, and he had, when he was young and impetuous, perfected his art in the violent red light districts of his island home. This history, and a daily regimen of makiwara pounding, served him in good stead.

One punch later, a punch almost too fast to be seen, Motobu climbed out of the ring, the Russian strongman lay sprawled and snoozing the fist snooze. Reporters went wild, wrote their stories, and submitted them to the editors. Editors went wild, and, since they didn't have any photos of Motobu, but they did have a picture of a guy doing karate, they popped in the wrong picture.

Gichin Funakoshi, a nondescript teacher from Okinawa, was held up as the guy who did the violent knock out performed by Motobu Choki. And Motobu, though he did teach karate and was responsible for spreading the art, because the media did such a bang up job of investigating, received virtually no credit. And Funakoshi is became famous and shared Karate with the world, yet, it wouldn't have happened if Motobu hadn't had the one punch one kill ability.

Now, who has the real karate, a school teacher who shmoozed with the Japanese because of the wrong picture and good communication skills, or a rough cob who got the job done. No, Funakoshi's karate is not bad, and generations of karateka have worked to improve it. However, there is still that one blot, a hundred years ago, provided by a man with a slobber knocker punch, which offers the concept of who had the True Art. - 30300

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