Intelligence is measured in todays institutions through various tests. What these tests do, however, is tell you how big your memory is. What these tests do is evaluate how adequate your memory is.
Thus, current testing is checking the state of memory, and it has nothing to do with the factors of true intelligence. Current testing does nothing more than verify that the memorization methods of modern schools is working. To come to grips with what this really means we must define what true intelligence is.
True intelligence is the speed at which your mind works. There are other factors, but this is the one that is most important. This doesn't evaluate how big or good your memory is, but how fast you can interchange with the environment.
In the martial arts the student is taught by having him or her memorize strings of random data. Or memorize random strings of data, however you want it. The hope is that if you get a big enough memory then you can pull a trick out of the hat, and hopefully it is the right trick.
When you matrix the martial arts you put the data in a logical sequence, no more random data, or random strings of random data. Thus, you are going to use less of your memory, and the data is filed in the right manner for quick and accurate extraction. Thus, you are not slowed down or made incorrect by having the incorrect data, the missing data and the gaps and holes and wrong arrangements of data and so on, and intuition can kick in.
Intuition means that the data being extracted for use is being extracted virtually instantaneously. Furthermore, and here is a blessing, it is never wrong. Thus, the true speed of the martial arts, as represented by intuition, is in effect, and thus the students intelligence is raised.
Now, it doesn't matter what form of wudan you are partial to, or what system of karate you study, all that matters is that you take the time to rearrange the data by applying matrix martial arts to it. When you use matrixing as your mode for learning, you see, it is nothing more than putting the book on the bookshelf. The trick here is that we are putting all the books on all the bookshelves throughout the entire library, in the right order, at the same time, and that is certainly measurable as an increase in intelligence. - 30300
About the Author:
Al Case has learned martial arts for 4O++ years. He began writing for the martial arts magazines in 1982. He is the founder of Matrixing technology, which you can find out about by getting his absolutely free ebook at Monster Martial Arts.